{Themed Tuesday} It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas…

Hello there, you lovely people!

Having started a spot of Christmas shopping this weekend, I began to be filled with inspiration over Christmas weddings. Ah, Christmas; my favourite time of year. I love the festive spirit that everyone gets into, purchasing the tree and decorating it, hearing those classic Christmas songs, mince pies, mulled wine.. Ok, you get where I’m going here. I was once lucky enough to be a maid of honour at a friends wedding just before Christmas. It was truly beautiful and it even snowed! So, if you are getting married over Christmas, how can you create something rather magical that avoids the stereotypical Christmas wedding, retains tradition yet makes the day that will leave people talking about for years to come…? Well, let’s take a look and see!






Are you having a Christmas wedding? Tell us all about it, if you are, we love hearing your inspirational stories!

Until Next Time xxx