Alternative bouquets

Beau Buttons

Beau Buttons

Utilising her obsession for vintage buttons and brooches Emma Lyth lovingly creates heirloom quality bouquets that can be treasured forever. Button bouquets are a quirky yet fashionable alternative to the traditional floral bouquet, packed with vintage treasures, they will not wilt or fade through the day and can be made to bespoke order to reflect your wedding theme. Beaubuttons bouquets are carefully handmade to the highest of standards. Individually designed and created in England and shipped worldwide. Visit us at


Forever Button Bouquet - Facebook Profile

If you’re looking for a wedding bouquet with a difference, one that reflects your individual style and desire for a truly unique wedding, then Forever Button Bouquets can help. We create beautiful bespoke button bouquets that last a lifetime and can be handed down through the generations as an enduring reminder of the most special day of your life. Using a mixture of vintage and new buttons, vintage jewellery and other items, we can perfectly match the theme and colours of your wedding to create a stunning bouquet with the wow factor. Our greatest source of inspiration when creating the perfect bouquet is you. Visit us here!


Vintage Rose Bouquets

Vintage Rose Bouquets

Vintage Rose Bouquets create wonderful vintage jewellery heirloom bouquets. Made of vintage jewellery pieces, beaded sprays, ribbon roses and buttons , each piece is unique. Bouquets are custom made for every bride and bouquet prices start from £90. Accessories, garters and paper bouquets are also offered on the website

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